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Choices & Enrollment channel homepage.
Middle School page, with inline tab navigation for district directories by borough.
Elementary School landing page.
Main High School page.
High School Admissions Process page.
Types of NYC High Schools page.
Gifted & Talented resource page.
Directory of Borough Enrollment Offices.
![Similar project: Directory of New High Schools]()
Also tagged NYC Department of Education.![Similar project: Specialized High Schools Student Handbook]()
Also tagged NYC Department of Education.![Similar project: Round 2 High School Fair]()
Also tagged NYC Department of Education.![Similar project: Guidance Counselor Toolkit]()
Also tagged NYC Department of Education.
DOE Website Refreshes
A series of updates to the NYC Department of Education's website under the Choices & Enrollment channel. Each page was redesigned to emphasize time-sensitive alerts and increase clarity in the information architecture.Choices & Enrollment Homepage

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Also tagged NYC Department of Education.

Also tagged NYC Department of Education.

Also tagged NYC Department of Education.

Also tagged NYC Department of Education.