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2012 Cover Design Competition Visual Design
Collateral design for the NYC Department of Education's 2012 Cover Design Competition promoting various aspects of...

2D Black and White Experiments
A series of 2D design experiments that explore interactions between shapes and forms within an environment limited by color and material.

Attendance Poster
Commissioned by the administration of Townsend Harris High School to showcase the fact that the school ranked first in the city in terms of attendance percentage....

Baudelaire Quote Experiments
A series of sketches that combine quotes from Charles Baudelaire with photographs of New York City taken during the early 19th century.

During the summer of 2011, I interned at a New York City startup called BestVendor, which helps individuals find the best apps and services for their businesses...

Borough Enrollment Office Signs
Signs for the Enrollment Offices in each borough, printed on 2x3 foot boards and posted outside the offices.

Business Card 1
Visual design for my first set of business cards.

Business Card Series
These are several business cards for my mom's various areas of activity. The goal was to create distinct aesthetic qualities while retaining a cohesive identity....

Cadavre Exquis
An online version of the famous Surrealist game, "the exquisite corpse." In the traditional game, someone creates a drawing and folds over the top portion of...

Cave Mural
Ink on paper, 8 x 10 feet, 2011.

Certificate of Awesomeness
A Facebook app that presented a "Certificate of Awesomeness" to a friend. Your friend's name would be pulled from their Facebook profile and inserted into the...

City Series 1

City Series 2

City Series 3

Citywide High School Fair Floor Directory
During the 2011 Citywide High School Fair, high school information booths are divided up into floors by borough. This...

Citywide High School Fair Posters
Posters and collateral material for the Citywide High School Fair, an annual Department of Education event that provides middle...

Citywide High School Fair Tshirt
The T-shirt for staff at the 2011 Citywide High School Fair, the largest annual event of the Department of Education, in which...

Clock Experiment
A selected piece in a series of experimental clock designs. In this instance, the largest circle represents an hour (the clock is limited to one hour), with...

Corporate America
A PSA concept from 2007, this project is a commentary on the greed of "corporate america." The pieces urge viewers to challenge the way companies market products...

Crave the Rave
Poster design for school dance.

CSS3 Circle Experiment
A CSS experiment in which a series of concentric circles pulsate within each other. Live demo

Directory of New High Schools
This publication lists the recently opened high schools in New York City. These are various pages and covers used in the final directory.

DOE Website Refreshes
A series of updates to the NYC Department of Education's website under the Choices & Enrollment channel. Each page was redesigned to emphasize time-sensitive...

Drawing Machine
A machine that uses two spinning disks attached to wooden "arms" to create pen drawings. Inspired by Robert Howsare's Drawing Apparatus.

An experimental film incorporating stop-motion drawings projected onto real-world objects. The premise is that all objects are alive. These vignettes show various...

Festival of Nations 2010
Festival of Nations is a annual celebration of culture at Townsend Harris High School. I was asked to do the identity for the project, which consists of a logo,...

Festival of Nations 2011
As a continuation of 2010's Festival of Nations identity, this project focuses on the breadth of culture and the Earth. It emphasizes our unity has a human...

Founders Day 2010
This is the cover for Founders Day in 2010, a celebration of the foundation of Townsend Harris High School. This is a typographical and graphic representation...

Gifted and Talented
These are several cover designs and collateral material for the NYC Department of Education's Gifted and Talented program. The colors differentiate the year...

Go Vegan
A concept for a Public Service Announcement campaign done in 2008. The project encourages viewers to become vegan by presenting human body parts as animal meat...

Graphic Musings 1
The first in a series of experimental graphic design sketches. Continues in Graphic Musings 2.

Graphic Musings 2
The second in a series of experimental graphic design sketches. Continued from Graphic Musings 1.

Guidance Counselor Toolkit
A publication aimed at high school guidance counselors that provided them with relevant information and materials to aid in assisting students. These are several...

Harrisfest Advertising
Harrisfest is the annual rock concert at Townsend Harris High School. I was the art director for the 2010 advertising campaign for the concert. We used colored...

Hercules Drawings
A series of drawings and studies based on a sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

High School Directory Cover
I won the NYC Department of Education Cover Design Competition in 2011. This design was printed on over 150,000 high school directories, distributed across...

High School Presentation Template
To aid in displaying information at the High School Summer Workshops, I created this presentation template based on the High...

High School Summer Workshop Videos
During the summer of 2011, the NYC Department of Education hosted three workshops to inform parents and students the necessary...

High Schools at a Glance
This companion publication to the High School Directory provides additional information and statistics regarding high school programs in New York City. This...

Holiday Card 2010
The annual holiday card for Townsend Harris High School, sent out to other schools and principals. Except for the text, the card was created entirely without...

Holiday Card 2011
The Graphics Communications Scholarship Fund hosts a holiday party every year for sponsors and guests. As a winner of a scholarship in 2011, I was asked to...

Housecalls Tutoring
Housecalls Tutoring is a college-prep and general tutoring service in New York City. I designed the website, developed a custom content management system, and...

Interactive Schedule Experiment
A proof-of-concept experiment that was to be the basis for a social scheduling website. The sketch allows a user to arrange their...

The concept behind this series of photographs is the portrayal of ironic words and phrases in settings that creates paradox. The project reminds ourselves to...

Jesus Pack
The Jesus Pack contains everything you need to be come a certified Jesus freak. Stained glass letters so you can spell your name "just like church," a Jesus...

Jesus Posters
This series of posters is aims to illustrate and portray the personality of a "jesus freak." The latter two posters are based on an alphabet of stained glass...

Kitchen Sensations
A study of sensation and visual composition.

Make Happy Happen
Make Happy Happen is a website I created in the fall of 2011 that facilities personal promises, promotes social sharing to inspire others, and provides relevant,...

Mother Nurture
Mother Nurture is a doula service in New York City. I designed the website and logo, as well as developing a custom, easy-to-use content management system for...

Museum Studies
Drawings and studies done at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Narrative Typography
A series of hand-drawn, typographic representations of events and stories.

Notepad App
A super-simple web app designed to quickly save transfer notes and file contents between computers. Live demo

Now Here Book
A hand-bound book of original poems.

NYC Subway Map Experiment
An attempt to redesign the clutter of the New York City subway map, inspired by Massimo Vignelli's 1972 New York City Subway Map.

Paint Your Heart
This is the cover for Founders Day in 2009, a celebration of the foundation of Townsend Harris High School. The school song contains the phrase "Paint you heart...

Pastel Studies
Drawings from a live model at the Art Students League of New York.

Pattern Experiment 1
A series of sketches experimenting with repeated geometric patterns. A precursor to the much larger cave mural that employs a similar style.

This is my personal logo, a symbol of a bird wrapping its wings around the negative image of a heart. It is meant to symbolize my emphasis and esteem for peace...

Peak Enrollment
Every September, the NYC Department of Education enrolls thousands of new students, many from families who have just moved to the city. This flyer outlines...

Personal Logo Series
As a practice exercise, I posted a Facebook status that offered a free personal logo to anyone who liked the status. These are the logos I created in this exercise,...

Phoenix Ads
A series of advertisements for The Phoenix literary magazine that promoted involvement in poetry readings and invited students to submit work.

Phoenix Magazine
The Phoenix is the annual literary magazine of Townsend Harris High School. In collaboration with Zach Temkin, I designed the 27th volume of this publication....

Phoenix Submission Tool
A tool for The Phoenix literary magazine that allows students to upload their work, sign up to become an art contributor, or join the email mailing list. After...

Phoenix Website Experiment
A concept site for The Phoenix literary magazine that was to display the magazine's content online. Live demo

Poetry Experiment 1
A series of experimental graphic design solutions based on an original poem.

Prom Invitation
This is the invitation for the senior prom at Townsend Harris High School in 2011.

Resurrection Ascension School
Along with designing and building the front-end site, I developed a custom class and teacher management system for the school. Teachers can login and edit their...

Round 2 High School Fair
Visual materials and collateral for the Round 2 High School Fair offers students high schools that still have seats and recently opened schools. The postcard...

Saturn V
A text-based video game prototyped in Python and executed in PHP and JavaScript. Users interact with the game by typing responses to prompts. Plot developed...

Sculpture Set 1
A series of experimental sculptures exploring space, texture and form. Molded, glazed and fired at Townsend Harris High School.

Senior Apparel
This is the design for the school apparel for Townsend Harris High School – a more modern and cleaner version of the previous year's design, this design...

Senior Page CMS
I designed and developed a custom content management system to handle documents and other data pertaining to the activities of the senior class of Townsend...

Simple To Do App
A bare-bones checklist to-do web app for personal use. Working Version

SING Set Design
SING is the annual student production of Townsend Harris High School, in which students write, direct, design, perform, and produce an original play. I was...

Specialized High Schools Student Handbook
A student guide to New York City specialized high school admissions.

Spring Concert
Promotional material for the 2010 annual spring concert at Townsend Harris High School.

Student Enrollment Advisory Council
Logo for a NYC Department of Education professional development session.

SVA 2012 Portfolio App
This app displays the portfolios of the senior, graduating class in the Advertising and Graphic Design Department at the School of Visual Arts. Working with...

SVA Schedule Redesign
A concept mockup for a redesigned schedule for the School of Visual Arts.

Telegraphic Code Experiments
A series of CSS and typographic experiments that contain code words used in telegraphs and their meanings, along with a CSS animation. Live demos: Â ...

The Art of Laura Mancini
A portfolio website that displays the artwork of my mom. The main color is a function of the current hour, changing as the day progresses. Live site

The Newsies! Logo
The Newsies! is a high school journalism competition hosted by Baruch College. This is my winning logo in their design contest, accompanied by several iterations....

Townsends Got Talent
Advertisement for the annual talent show at Townsend Harris High School. Designed with the glossy aesthetic of "Americas Got Talent" and other American television...

Universal Prekindergarten Bus Advertisement
An advertisement for the NYC Department of Education to promote enrollment in Universal Prekindergarten. The ad was...

Water Printer
A public art installation piece that consists of a canvas hung from the roof of a building, covering the entirety of one of its sides, with a machine attached...

Winter Concert 2010
Program cover design for the annual winter concert at Townsend Harris High School. A color version was made available as a limited edition print, while the...