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Projects tagged "experiment" clear tag filter

Drawing Machine
A machine that uses two spinning disks attached to wooden "arms" to create pen drawings. Inspired by Robert Howsare's Drawing Apparatus.

Baudelaire Quote Experiments
A series of sketches that combine quotes from Charles Baudelaire with photographs of New York City taken during the early 19th century.

Cadavre Exquis
An online version of the famous Surrealist game, "the exquisite corpse." In the traditional game, someone creates a drawing and folds over the top portion of...

Telegraphic Code Experiments
A series of CSS and typographic experiments that contain code words used in telegraphs and their meanings, along with a CSS animation. Live demos: Â ...

Water Printer
A public art installation piece that consists of a canvas hung from the roof of a building, covering the entirety of one of its sides, with a machine attached...

Interactive Schedule Experiment
A proof-of-concept experiment that was to be the basis for a social scheduling website. The sketch allows a user to arrange their...

Certificate of Awesomeness
A Facebook app that presented a "Certificate of Awesomeness" to a friend. Your friend's name would be pulled from their Facebook profile and inserted into the...

Saturn V
A text-based video game prototyped in Python and executed in PHP and JavaScript. Users interact with the game by typing responses to prompts. Plot developed...

CSS3 Circle Experiment
A CSS experiment in which a series of concentric circles pulsate within each other. Live demo

SVA Schedule Redesign
A concept mockup for a redesigned schedule for the School of Visual Arts.

Kitchen Sensations
A study of sensation and visual composition.

Clock Experiment
A selected piece in a series of experimental clock designs. In this instance, the largest circle represents an hour (the clock is limited to one hour), with...

Phoenix Website Experiment
A concept site for The Phoenix literary magazine that was to display the magazine's content online. Live demo

Simple To Do App
A bare-bones checklist to-do web app for personal use. Working Version

Notepad App
A super-simple web app designed to quickly save transfer notes and file contents between computers. Live demo

2D Black and White Experiments
A series of 2D design experiments that explore interactions between shapes and forms within an environment limited by color and material.

Graphic Musings 1
The first in a series of experimental graphic design sketches. Continues in Graphic Musings 2.

Graphic Musings 2
The second in a series of experimental graphic design sketches. Continued from Graphic Musings 1.

NYC Subway Map Experiment
An attempt to redesign the clutter of the New York City subway map, inspired by Massimo Vignelli's 1972 New York City Subway Map.

Pattern Experiment 1
A series of sketches experimenting with repeated geometric patterns. A precursor to the much larger cave mural that employs a similar style.

Poetry Experiment 1
A series of experimental graphic design solutions based on an original poem.

Color Experiment 1

Color Experiment 2