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Projects tagged "poster" clear tag filter

Universal Prekindergarten Bus Advertisement
An advertisement for the NYC Department of Education to promote enrollment in Universal Prekindergarten. The ad was...

Attendance Poster
Commissioned by the administration of Townsend Harris High School to showcase the fact that the school ranked first in the city in terms of attendance percentage....

Holiday Card 2011
The Graphics Communications Scholarship Fund hosts a holiday party every year for sponsors and guests. As a winner of a scholarship in 2011, I was asked to...

Festival of Nations 2010
Festival of Nations is a annual celebration of culture at Townsend Harris High School. I was asked to do the identity for the project, which consists of a logo,...

Jesus Posters
This series of posters is aims to illustrate and portray the personality of a "jesus freak." The latter two posters are based on an alphabet of stained glass...

Crave the Rave
Poster design for school dance.